CO-MICC Workshop: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia (MAT) Focus Region Workshop I
Le Mans, France, 12–13 November 2018
The first Workshop for the co-development of methods to utilize multi-model information on freshwater related hazards took place in the University of Le Mans in November 2018.
Several stakeholders from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia (MAT) participated in this first workshop. One of the key aims was to gain an understanding of the possibilities of multi-model information. Together with the stakeholders, researchers from the CO-MICC team gathered information on the needs and perceptions of stakeholders in adaptation planning in MAT countries. First ideas for the design of the planned CO-MICC knowledge portal were presented and discussed.
On the second day, the stakeholders were introduced to co-constructing Bayesian network structures. The CO-MICC project will use this as a basis to explore adaptation planning at the country scale.
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