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Once again, geoscientists from all over the world met in Vienna (Austria) for the annual General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) from 14 to 19 April.

ICWRGC was represented by four scientists on site to present the Centre’s work to the scientific community and to build and deepen networks.

Tinh Vu presented the global drought forecasting system, which is being developed as part of the OUTLAST project. She explained how it will be embedded in the WMO’s HydroSOS structure. The conference also provided an ideal opportunity to meet with other project members, allowing for several project meetings during the conference week.

ICWRGC team members Tinh Vu, Dr. Stephan Dietrich and Dr. Moritz Heinle at EGU 2024

ICWRGC team members Tinh Vu, Dr. Stephan Dietrich and Dr. Moritz Heinle at EGU 2024.

Dr. Stephan Dietrich gave presentations on data exchange between science and operational hydrology, as well as on the extension of the WMO Global Basic Observing Network for hydrological observations. In addition, he accompanied a session on strengthening practical approaches to networking between science and policy, which was jointly supported by the WMO and UNESCO-IHP. As regional coordinator of EUROFRIEND, the European group of the UNESCO-IHP programme FRIEND-Water (Flow Regimes of international experimental and network data), he also organised a side event for this group. At this event, he passed the baton for regional coordination on to Prof. Dr. Bastien Dieppois (Coventry University, UK). However, ICWRGC will continue to provide significant support for this programme.

Dr. Wolfgang Korres, part of the ISMN team at ICWRGC, presented an update on the current soil moisture network database and an approach to applying machine learning in the quality control of data acquisition. He also organised, together with partners from TU Wien, a side event on in-situ soil moisture measurements and approaches to reduce uncertainties in the data.

ICWRGC team member Dr. Moritz Heinle presenting at EGU 2024

Dr. Moritz Heinle presenting results of a study at EGU 2024.

Dr. Moritz Heinle, member of the GEMS/Water Data Centre at ICWRGC, presented the GEMStat dataset under open data licences, which will soon be published on the Zenodo platform. The accompanying publication deals with data time series for water quality parameters with a length of at least 10 years, which can be used in the calibration of models. He also hosted a session on the role of data services in providing observations and forecasts for policy makers and water managers, with partners from the Global Runoff Data Centre and the International Groundwater Resource Assessment Centre, among others.

Overall, the EGU meeting once again offered a variety of interesting presentations, including opportunities to think outside the box, as well as many chances for building and expanding networks.

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