Inception Workshop on SDG 6
Amman, Jordan, 22–23 May 2016 (IHP-UNESCO, UNHABITAT, GEMI)
The goal was to introduce the GEMI concept and the monitoring methodologies for the integrated monitoring of water and sanitation related with the Target 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG6).
More Information
During 22-23 May 2016, the Ministry of Water and Irrigation of Jordan hosted an inception workshop in Amman to launch the proof-of-concept phase of the Integrated Monitoring Initiative (GEMI). This event was organized by IHP-UNESCO and UNHABITAT and had the support from the governments of Switzerland and Germany. The meeting was attended by over 45 participants from relevant Jordanian ministries, authorities, agencies and partner organizations who discussed the comprehension of the SDG6 indicators and related monitoring burdens, with an emphasis on capacity building.
Integrated monitoring of Water and sanitation related SDG targets – GEMI
Le Royal Hotel, Amman, Jordan 22-23 May 2016
32 Pages, PDF-Document, 1,3 MB
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