International Forum for SDG6 “Sustainable Urban Water and Sanitation: Public Goods in the Service of Society”

International Forum for SDG6 “Sustainable Urban Water and Sanitation: Public Goods in the Service of Society”

Date: 21-22 March 2019 
Venue: Thessaloniki, GreeceHarald Köthe, Director of the ICWRGC located at Koblenz, Germany, attended the International Forum for SDG 6, held by the UNESCO Cat 2 Centre for Integrated and Interdisciplinary Water Resources Management (CIIWRM) at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh). Mr. Köthe gave a lecture on “Striving for water bodies with good ambient water quality (SDG 6.3.2)”. The Forum provided an opportunity for cooperating with the Greek Cat. 2 Center.[divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=”15″][print-me target=”.print-Thessaloniki” do_not_print=”.toggle .printomatic .noprint” title=”” alt=”Beitrag drucken / Print this article”]