MSc. Thesis Opportunities at the ICWRGC

MSc. Thesis Opportunities at the ICWRGC

Are you a master student in geosciences and are you looking for a master thesis topic in the field of hydrology? The International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change offers multiple master thesis topics with the option of writing them in collaboration with your university!

We offer a broad spectrum of topics, including global scale simulation of groundwater recharge, water quality assessments, and global sediment transport in rivers. All topics address research questions related to climate change, focusing on an international context.

We offer you:

  • An office space with ICWRGC in Koblenz for 6 months
  • Supervision by experts, in cooperation with a supervisor from your university
  • An “inside-view” of how ICWRGC works as a UNESCO Category 2 Centre
  • Accessibility to an international network in the field of hydrology.

If you are interested: Follow this link to see a more detailed description of the master thesis topics.[nectar_btn size=”small” button_style=”regular” button_color_2=”Accent-Color” icon_family=”fontawesome” url=”” text=”Master thesis” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-link” margin_top=”15″][print-me target=”.print-masterthesis” do_not_print=”.toggle .printomatic .noprint” title=”” alt=”Beitrag drucken/Print this article”]