Networking between water-relevant German UNESCO sites – joint DUK and ICWRGC Workshop in Bonn on 13 July 2022

For the first time, DUK (German Commission for UNESCO) and ICWRGC held a joint workshop. The topic of the kick-off event was “Water – where do we need and how can we develop expert knowledge?”

The successful workshop marks the beginning of better networking among the German UNESCO sites and stakeholders actively involved in the subject area „changing freshwater resources” and engaged in various UNESCO programmes. The objective is to understand and use the existing expert knowledge in line with an integrated approach to the earth system and its changes due to climate change and socio-economic uses. To this end, various experts met for a colourful and highly interesting programme on the premises of DUK in Bonn (see link to agenda).

It became evident that freshwater plays a major role in many UNESCO sites and that many of the lecturers present have a lot of scientific and/or empirical knowledge. This must also be developed for the UNESCO Water Family, or more precisely for phase 9 (2022-2029) of the UNESCO (IHP) water programme, thus making German knowledge more visible. Points of contact for a common work were identified and a further exchange was agreed. Harald Köthe, the Director of ICWRGC, sees this networking as an opportunity to identify and close practice-oriented gaps in expertise, thus unlocking synergies for the German contributions to achieve the objectives of the UNESCO programmes. The kick-off session for better networking and closer cooperation was interesting and promising.

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