TUM master-student is doing research on MedECC project at ICWRGC

TUM master-student is doing research on MedECC project at ICWRGC

Veronika Zwirglmaier started working on her Master’s Thesis at the ICWRCG under the supervision of Dr. Marianela Fader (ICWRGC) and Prof. Markus Disse (Technische Universität München) in May 2019. She will continue her work at the ICWRGC until November 2019. Veronika is pursuing her Master’s degree at the Technische Universität München  with an emphasis on Water Resources Management and Environmental Hazards and Risks. Her research at the Centre focuses on the MedECC project and addresses the assessment of future trends in water resources in the Mediterranean Region. For her future career, Veronika is planning to stay in a scientific path working on topics related to hydrological risks or integrated water resources management.[divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=”15″][print-me target=”.print-Veronika” do_not_print=”.toggle .printomatic .noprint” title=”” alt=”Beitrag drucken / Print this article”]