Why not become a hydrology expert with WMO?

Why not become a hydrology expert with WMO?

Following last year’s reform of WMO, the new structures are being reinvigorated. In his letter of 27 January 2020 to the member states (see link), the Chairman of WMO’s Hydrological Assembly, Jan Danhelka from the Czech Republic, extends an invitation to apply as hydrology expert with WMO.

For Germany, Dr. Birgit Esser, Director of the BfG, and Harald Köthe, Head of ICWRGC, are the hydrological advisors to the Permanent German Representative (PR) to WMO. The President of the DWD (German Weather Service), Prof. Dr. Adrian, takes on the role as German PR. Prof. Dr. Adrian, who assumed the presidency of the WMO along with its reform, is the first German President ever in the history of WMO.[nectar_btn size=”small” open_new_tab=”true” button_style=”regular” button_color_2=”Accent-Color” icon_family=”fontawesome” url=”http://waterandchange.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Hydrology-experts-WMO.pdf” text=”Hydrology Experts (PDF)” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-file-pdf-o”][print-me target=”.print-wmobewerbung20″ do_not_print=”.toggle .printomatic .noprint” title=”” alt=”Beitrag drucken/Print this article”]