As in previous years, the “International German Summer School on Hydrology (IGSH)” was held at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) from 09–22 September 2020. This year’s focus was on “groundwater and energy” …
In cooperation with edX, RWTH Aachen University offers Massive Open Online Courses on hydrology. The courses are free of charge and accessible to all …
Outputs from multiple global hydrological models are used to investigate how changing precipitation under different climate scenarios impacts on groundwater recharge in the Mediterranean. The findings are to be discussed within the scope of the MedECC report …
Concentrations of suspended solids are monitored in many river systems worldwide. However, these monitoring programmes differ considerably in terms of monitoring techniques, measuring intervals and sampling locations within the river. This leads to uncertainties in load estimations around the globe. This thesis investigates the influence of sampling intervals on uncertainties in sediment loads, and derives how these uncertainties differ on a global scale …
Suspended sediments typically carry bound contaminants and nutrients and, therefore, affect the rivers’ water quality and ecosystem functioning. Concentrations of suspended solids and sediment-bound pollutants are monitored in many river systems worldwide. However, these monitoring programmes differ considerably in terms of monitoring techniques, measuring intervals and sampling locations within the river …
The 13th “International German Summer School on Hydrology (IGSH)” was held at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) from 11–25th September 2019 …
This training course sets out a general method for quantifying flood risk and the measures for risk mitigation. The method is general and does not depend on the flood model used. This course aims to give learners basic knowledge helping them to develop a feasibility study on flood risk management in a given area …
The ICWRGC supports the International German Summer School on Hydrology which offers a communication platform for hydrological knowledge. The focus is placed on practice-relevant topics for an international audience,and the lecturers are nationally and internationally reputed experts …