WMO has just published the latest in a series of implementation plans produced by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) programme since its inception in 1992. The GCOS implementation plan (GCOS-IP) provides a set of high priority actions, which if undertaken, will further improve global observations of the climate system and our understanding of how it is changing.
BfG’s Ulrich Looser (head of the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) and Steward for the Essential Climate Variable River Discharge) and ICWRGC’s Dr. Stephan Dietrich (ex-officio member of the Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC) and GTN-H coordinator) have contributed to the GCOS IP. It clearly highlights the role of the global data centres, such as GRDC or the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN). In the future, there will continue to be a high demand for engagement, i.a. in the fields of improving discovery and access to data and metadata in Global Data Centres as well as in the development of reference networks (in situ and satellite Fiducial Reference Measurements programmes).
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