Scientists of ICWRGC/BfG will talk about the importance of observation data for environmental and climate assessments at the second GCOS Climate Observation Conference ( An overview of our contributions is given below.
- Stephan Dietrich: 18/10/2022 Topic 4 – 16:00-17:00: “Consistent monitoring of global water cycle and resources variability across scales: Where do we stand?” (oral presentation)
- Claudia Färber: 19/10/2022 Topic 5 – 09:00-10:00: “The Global Runoff Database – A unique archive for river discharge data” (oral presentation)
- Matthias Zink: 19/10/2022 Topic 5 – 09:00-10:00: “Ensure ISMN’s permanent service for delivering long-term, in-situ soil moisture data” (oral presentation)
- Stephan Dietrich: “The Global Terrestrial Network – Hydrology” (poster presentation)
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