EGU 2017
ICWRGC’s Contributions to EGU 2017
Dr. M. Fader from ICWRGC will present research results in three sessions of the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union 2017 in Vienna.
Oral Presentation: “Simulating potential water grabbing from large-scale land acquisitions in Africa”, Session: “HS1.2 – Hydrology, society and environmental change”. Time: 24 April 2017, 15:30, Room C.
Oral Presentation: “More efficient irrigation may compensate for increases in irrigation water requirements due to climate change in the Mediterranean area”. Session: “SSS10.6/HS5.12 Irrigated agriculture: Natural Resources Management for the sustainability of the terrestrial ecosystem maintaining productivity”. Time: 27 April 2017, 16:00, Room -2.20.
Poster Presentation “Introducing ‘biophysical redundancy’: the global status and past evolution of unused water, land and productivity resources for food production”, Session: “HS5.3 – Advances in socio-hydrology”. Time: 24 April 2017, 17:30-19:00, Hall A.
We look forward to seeing you there!
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