Dr. Bastien Dieppois, Assistant Professor in Water and Climate Change at Coventry University – Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, and Coordinator of UNESCO EURO FRIEND-Water Project-3 on Large Scale Variations in Hydrological Characteristics, has announced a EURO-FRIEND workshop/training series to be held between April and December 2022.
Once a month, either a seminar or training on the use of new datasets, methodologies, or new results in the field will be organized. These seminars/training workshops will be open to everyone and free of charge.
The first seminar, titled “What is needed to bridge the data knowledge gap in Hydrology”, will be hosted by Dr. Stephan Dietrich, scientific officer at the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (UNESCO) and regional coordinator of the UNESCO flagship programme FRIEND-Water for EURO-FRIEND. He will give an introduction to the FRIEND-Water Programme (Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data) that aims at data sharing and analysis, thus linking this to the ambitions of global data centres federated in GTN-H, e.g. Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC), GEMS/Water Data Centre for water quality or the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN).
This initiative is intended to encourage more early-career scientists to join the EURO-FRIEND initiative and enhance collaboration between the FRIEND-water community across the world.
All session recordings are now available at: