GTN-H status report on monitoring and data exchange concerning global terrestrial water cycle and water resources published
Today, the most recent report of the Global Terrestrial Network’s Panel for Hydrology has been published as a GCOS publication.
Data and information provided by the GTN-H global data centres continue to be essential sources of information for the UN, regional and national programmes, and projects in support of development and science. This was particularly evident in June 2019, when the 18th WMO Congress recognised GTN-H and its federated data centres as a major WMO hydrological initiative supporting the GCOS implementation plan and improving data interoperability. GTN-H operates under the auspices of GCOS and WMO and is engaged in the consistent monitoring of the terrestrial part of the global water cycle and global water resources, in particular focussing on in situ observations.
The report looks at the status of GTN-H member networks and data centres and summarises the work plan for 2019-21. The latter has a clear focus on further supporting the exchange of global water data together with the partner organisations, and in particular the federated data centres.
The exchange of water data is currently also the subject of the WMO Data Conference, where GTN-H is actively contributing by demonstrating its facilities and infrastructure.
It can be found in the WMO library:
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