International Conference on Water Resources Assessment and Seasonal Prediction
Koblenz, Germany, 15–16 October 2015 (IHP-UNESCO, BfG)

Participants of the Conference
80 experts from 28 countries took part of the International Conference on Water Resources Assessment and Seasonal Prediction held at the Federal Institute of Hydrology in Koblenz, Germany. 58 presentations and 10 posters highlighted the observational requirements, methods and case studies in water resources assessment, seasonal prediction methodologies, water quality issues and using water diplomacy as a means for implementation of joint water management in transboundary basins. Development aspects as well as changes in the hydrological cycle as a result of climate change, anthropogenic impacts and variability were also highlighted.
More Information
Building on the presentations and interaction between the experts present at the conference, participants stated that the capability for dynamic water resources assessment linked to seasonal prediction provides the foundation for interaction with water managers and policy makers at national, regional and global scales.
Participants recognized that the implementation of the measures discussed is achievable in the medium to longer-term range. Jump-starting this process, participants of the conference agreed to serve as a start-up platform to further develop the knowledge-base in the following areas: Seasonal prediction, surface and groundwater resources assessment including water quality, water policy and water diplomacy as well as capacity-building. Participants further agreed to support to the extent possible, efforts of the United Nations System (such as through UN-Water) and GEO mainly through its water-related activities. Participants stated that this is only achievable with adequate institutional backstopping and exchange of knowledge and information.
The high expert level of the conference presentations and inspirational discussions, the establishment of new connections among scientific teams and practitioners was highly appreciated by the participants.
Conference Statement
Koblenz, 13 to 16 October 2015
2 Pages, PDF-Document, 600 KB