Based on previously identified goals and outcomes, the WMO Hydrological Coordination Panel (HCP) held a consultation with its members and the hydrological community in September 2020. Central issue of this consultation was to identify needs and gaps in achieving the eight long-term hydrological targets agreed by the 18th WMO Congress in June 2019:
- No one is surprised by a flood;
- Everyone is prepared for drought;
- Hydro-climate and meteorological data support the food security agenda;
- High-quality data supports science;
- Science provides a sound basis for operational hydrology;
- We have a thorough knowledge of the water resources of our world;
- Sustainable development is supported by information covering the full hydrological cycle;
- Water quality is known;
Based on the inputs of the international hydrology community, the Hydrological Coordination Panel has developed, in cooperation with other working bodies of WMO, the topical content of the Action Plan for Hydrology – a proposed list of activities and outputs.
5 action areas are identified and completed by a cross-cutting activities group, that will achieve the above-listed ambitions. Furthermore, activities are coordinated with the development of the Research Strategy for Hydrology by the WMO Research Board.
Now is the time when we need your knowledge and experience to finalize a plan that will serve the needs of hydrology at Members’ level. This phase is the critical one. Therefore, we are asking you for your contribution in shaping the further development of the Action Plan.
Please visit the web page set up for the consultation at:
to provide your comments and suggestions. Inputs are collected by WMO until 25 May 2021.
Thank you for your involvement and support.
Jan Danhelka, Chair of the WMO Hydrological Coordination Panel
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