The Global Terrestrial Network – Hydrology
Established in 2001, GTN-H is a federated network of major global data centres, at a global scale linking water-related observations in support of scientific advance and operational applications with regard to climate variability and change as well as water resources assessment and management.
The GTN-H is a joint project of the World Meteorological Organization / Climate and Water Department and the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). GTN-H likewise represents the observational arm of the Group on Earth Observations / Integrated Global Water Cycle Observations Community of Practice (GEO/IGWCO-CoP).
Through its federated network of collaborating global data centres, GTN-H provides premier access to data and information including – inter alia – runoff, lakes and reservoirs, precipitation, groundwater, soil moisture, and water quality or the content of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in rivers and precipitation. GTN-H supports the development of integrated products to enhance the value of data by means of integration and by facilitating solutions to complex science and applications products.
GTN-H thus underpins the generation of datasets from Essential Climate and Water Variables suitable for:
- Research in the areas of global and regional climate change
- Environmental Monitoring
- Hydrology and water resource management
GTN-H is active in supporting current and emerging technologies and standards, best practices and available infrastructure and develops global and regional data products.
A list of the GTN-H network members can be found at
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