30 November – 01 December 2022
Uncertainty in river water monitoring
New insights on spatio-temporal variability of suspended river water components
Rivers transport suspended solids, including multiple substances from geogenic and anthropogenic backgrounds, from hillslopes towards the oceans. The spatial and temporal variability of suspended matter transport hereby strongly affects river and delta morphology, the chemical status of the rivers, aquatic habitats, and the global element cycle.

Passau, © peter knechtges / Adobe Stock
Even though suspended solids are currently monitored in many rivers world-wide, the community is facing major challenges. In this symposium, we would like to discuss these challenges and foster the exchange within and between the scientific community and river managers from governmental organizations and various NGOs. The symposium offers an exchange platform for participants who are willing to present and discuss new methods, developments and implications of their work. This symposium is organized as part of the scientific project “URSACHEN” (‘Investigating the uncertainties of spatiotemporal variable substance loads estimations in rivers’) by the Federal Institute of Hydrology and the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (UNESCO Cat. 2 Centre).
We welcome contributions. To find out more about the relevant topics and further information on the symposium and how to attend can be found here:
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