Workshop “Assessment and Management of Indirect Potable Reuse”
Koblenz, 5–8 March 2018
Indirect potable reuse (IPR) provides options to maintain sufficient water quantities for communities in the future and is crucial to achieving the sustainable development goals of the UN 2030 agenda. The application of IPR technologies is still limited by a perceived higher risk and regulatory constraints. The objective of the workshop is to review innovations in regulation, treatment and assessment techniques as well as management options in the field of IPR, as well as the direction of future developments.
Registration (PDF, 1 p., 17 KB, EN)
Flyer (PDF, 2 p., 284 KB, EN)
First Announcement (PDF, 1 S., 232 KB, EN)
First Announcement (PDF, 1 S., 232 KB, FR)
First Announcement (PDF, 1 S., 232 KB, IT)
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