The symposium consists of three topical sessions:
- methodological session regarding sampling and analyses of suspended river water components
- temporal variability of suspended river water components,
- spatial variability of suspended river water components.
Each block will start with a 30 min. presentation (25 min. talk + 5 min. discussion) of invited keynote speakers. Participants are welcome to contribute to the symposium in the form of talks (12 min. presentation + 3 min. discussion) or flash-talks (5 min. presentation + 1 min. discussion). To contribute to this symposium please submit an abstract. We will consider the time zone of the contributor when scheduling the talks.
Keynote Speaker

Magdalena Bieroza
Dr. Magdalena Bieroza from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala Sweden, is a Senior Lecturer in Water Quality. Her research focuses on understanding the interplay between hydrological and biogeochemical processes in streams controlling transport and cycling of nutrients, carbon and suspended sediments. In this research, she uses high-frequency water quality monitoring to capture solute and sediment responses to hydrological and biogeochemical drivers.

Marwan Hassan
Dr. Marwan Hassan is a fluvial geomorphologist who works on sediment transport, channel stability, channel morphology, suspended sediment yield, stream ecology, water quality and resources, and urban hydrology in a wide range of environments. During his 30-year research career, he has made many fundamental scientific contributions to geophysical sciences. These are related to sediment transport based on a combination of field studies, laboratory and physical experiments, numerical model development as well as creation and implementation of new research methodologies and instrumentation.

Ton Hoitink
He is a professor of Environmental Fluid Mechanics at the Department of Environmental Sciences at Wageningen University & Research. Based on field campaigns, laboratory experiments and numerical modelling, he studies river deltas around the globe in the context of sea-level rise and land use change.