The International Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine basin celebrated its 50th anniversary in Wageningen (the Netherlands) on October 21 and 22, 2021. After a lengthy delay due to COVID-19, the live anniversary celebrations could eventually take place (in the 51st year). The event acknowledged the scientific cooperation between the 6 countries. This cooperation enabled a continuous compilation of the entire Rhine basin’s hydrology, thus providing an outstanding international example. Due to the political and societal situation, the CHR was capable of peacefully and amicably advancing system awareness of the Rhine’s runoff behaviour in a transboundary manner and on a scientifically and technically high level by means of targeted research and development projects. This provided internationally politically active groups in the Rhine basin, such as ICPR and CCNR, with important technical foundations for decision-making. The CHR’s celebrations marked the beginning of CHR’s strategy 2030, setting the course for the future. This has been confirmed by a resolution of the six countries as well as through bilateral agreements with ICPR, CCNR, WMO and UNESCO. High-ranking representatives from the countries and from international organisations were present and witnessed these procedures. All those present recognized the importance of CHR as a major transboundary scientific network, that simply must continue to provide foundations for decision-makers in the future.
In the CHR, Germany is represented by experts from the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG), the water management of the federal state of Hesse and the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC) as well as by scientists involved on a project-related basis (e.g. University of Freiburg).
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