17th Biennial Conference ERB 2018
Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins (ERB)
Darmstadt, Germany, 11-14 September 2018
The 17th International ERB Conference was held by the Chair of Engineering Hydrology and Water Management (ihwb) at the TU Darmstadt. The ERB (Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins) is an association of 22 European countries operating and managing well instrumented experimental and representative catchments for research purposes. The conference has been co-organised by the international ERB Steering Committee and the ICWRGC that also provided financial support to the conference.
Relating to this year’s topic “Innovative monitoring techniques and modelling approaches for analysing hydrological processes in small basins”, scientists from 19 countries presented interesting and innovative methods and results obtained from studies in small hydrological basins within the scope of 30 lectures and 30 posters. A field trip, i.a. to monitoring stations of the ihwb’s field laboratory “catchment of the river Gersprenz” offered further opportunities for mutual exchange and networking of participants.
Tour of a retention space during the ERB 2018 field trip (photo by G. Romano 09/2018)
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