Potsdam, August 30 – September 01, 2021
This year’s Hydrology Day (HD) was held – exceptionally in summer – in Potsdam on the Griebnitzsee campus under the motto “Hydrology – linking environmental spheres and disciplines”. Initially, the conference that is traditionally held around the World Water Day on 22 March, was supposed to begin in spring 2020. At that time however, only a reduced online-event was feasible.
The issues of the sessions were taken over from 2020, but for topical reasons supplemented by a further session on the flood disaster in Germany:
- multisdiciplinary case examples
- interdisciplinary methodological innovations
- interactions between spheres
- hydrological extremes and risks
- analysis of the current flood and drought events in Germany
Overall, about 165 experts from federal and provincial administrations, universities, large-scale and departmental research as well as companies and associations attended the event in person under strict hygienic conditions. The lectures from science and practice were highly topical and showed latest findings at a high level, even on the current extreme events. The participants noticeably enjoyed being in personal contact once again to engage in professional and personal discussions. Congratulations not only to the lecturers and exhibitors, but also to the organization team led by Prof. Dr. Axel Bronstert.
As in previous years, ICWRGC and the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) attended the HD each with their own booth, with ICWRGC presenting their most recent activities. During the poster session, the IHP/HWRP working group “FRIEND-Water/ERB” supported by ICWRGC and headed by Prof. Britta Schmalz, presented their current work on “Hydrological impacts of drought in the period 2018-2020 – analysis of lysimeter data and monitoring in small catchments”.
During HD, the elections for the Chair of the German Hydrological Society (DHG) were held. We most warmly congratulate Prof. Dr. Britta Schmalz on being elected new President, Prof. Dr. Axel Bronstert on being elected Vice-President as well as the further members of the managing and enlarged Board. We thank you for your commitment to hydrology in Germany. Mr. Harald Köthe, Director of the ICWRGC, and Ms. Petra Herzog, Head of Department for Quantitative Hydrology in BfG, attended the meeting of the Executive Board as guests.
Further information (German language):
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