Date: 6 February 2019
Venue: Federal Institute of Hydrology, Koblenz
After several years’ break, the ICWRGC has reactivated its so-called University Day. Due to the current and multifarious developments of UN water programmes, requiring stronger linkage with national research activities, this initiative by the ICWRGC was welcomed by the Hydrological Chairs in Germany.
The event, prepared in cooperation with the ICWRGC’s scientific advisory board, focussed on two key topics: on the one hand on presenting first ideas on relevant themes for Phase IX (2022-2029) of UNESCO IHP, on the other hand on coordinating cooperation between ICWRGC and Hydrology Chairs in teaching and research.
Harald Köthe, Director of the ICWRGC, presented the current and trailblazing developments within WMO (Governance Body Reform, Seamless Global Data-Processing and Forecasting System – GDPFS, Hydrological Status and Outlook System – HydroSOS), UNESCO (planning of IHP IX) and UNEP (GEMI 2, GEMS/Water, World Water Quality Assessment), currently requiring Germany’s active participation. In a round table discussion, the universities reported on the technical foci of the chairs and their linkages with the ICWRGC’s activities, thus showing the Chairs‘ specific orientation. In small groups, ideas on relevant themes for the upcoming UNESCO IHP IX were developed, the results of the scientific advisory board presented by its Chairwoman, Prof. Dr. Evers (Bonn), and the ongoing Phase VIII classified. Another issue was cooperation in teaching and research, and specifically the question what the German universities can contribute to the UN programmes and vice versa. In the concluding session, the following topics were recorded:
- Regularly holding the University Day
- Establishing exchange opportunities (common working platform, newsletter, etc.)
- Providing more information on IHP activities
- Request for closer networking, especially between scientists working abroad, and with German Water Partnership, Water Science Alliance, DHG, i.a.
- Idea of setting up a “network of networks” (decentralized data availability to strengthen national data centres)
- Creating incentives enabling scientists to contribute
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