Kickoff Meeting URSACHEN Project
On 02.12.2019, the Kickoff Meeting of the URSACHEN project took place at the ICWRGC. This collaborative project between the ICWRGC and the Federal Institute of Hydrology has a duration of 3 years and focuses on the spatial and temporal uncertainties in river load calculations.
The URSACHEN project specifically concentrates on the uncertainties in suspended sediment loads, chemical substances (e.g. heavy metals) and nutrients. Besides a case study in the Rhine river, the project will deal with the uncertainties in global load estimations, i.a. based on the data in the GEMStat database. The project team comprises 6 postdoctoral and doctoral students with expertise in sediment transport and water chemistry. Planned products include an analysis tool for the uncertainty estimation of loads in rivers and a “best practice” report.
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