WMO acknowledges 30 years Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) in Koblenz, Germany
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) expressed its gratitude to Germany for hosting GRDC under the auspices of WMO over the past 30 years. The continuity to provide support to water resources management and climate services worldwide through the maintenance of repositories of data and information made available in accordance with WMO data policies was appreciated. GRDC has developed its data holdings into the most comprehensive global river discharge data archive supporting climate-related programmes and projects of the United Nations including their special organizations as well as scientific and research communities at large.
Furthermore, GRDC proved to be one of the key partners in developing digital infrastructure for global information and global support for water management as well as forecasting and warning services. Together with the GEMS/Water Data Centre (DC) and the coordination of the Global Terrestrial Network Hydrology (GTN-H) at the International Centre of Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC) the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) Koblenz serves as an operational global hub for WMO and other UN organizations (e.g. UNESCO, UN Environment, FAO) in the global freshwater sector.
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