PD Dr Luna Bharati has over 15 years of post-PhD. experience in research, research project management and policy advice with extensive international experience in North America, Europe, South Asia, South-East Asia and West Africa. The key areas of her interests and expertise are in integrated water resources assessment and management. She has also worked extensively in assessing climate change risks and impacts and adaptation strategies in large river basins to small mountain watersheds and farming systems.
She has been successful in extending her research findings into policy and practice. She has advised government initiatives and investment plans for organizations such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank as well as other donor agencies such, DFAT, IFAD USAID. She has provided direct input into national policies of the government of Nepal e.g. Irrigation Master Plan and the Nepal Water Resources Strategy. Her work on Environmental Flows has also been incorporated into the Clean Ganga Mission of the Government of India. She has recently provided input to the Government of Nepal’s position on Climate Change and the Government of Myanmar’s Nationally Determined Contribution Report to UNFCCC.
She is regularly asked to review papers for high-impact scientific journals and assess proposals for major donors including the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and The Dutch Research Council. She is an expert reviewer of the sixth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Dr. Bharati is the Head of Research and Education at ICWRGC.
Research Themes
- Hydrological modeling/Water Systems modeling
- Water Allocation
- Environmental Flows
- Integrated River Basin Management
- Water-Food-Energy-Environment Nexus
- Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation Strategies
Teaching/Capacity building
University of Bonn
- Delivered a 3-hr. lecture at the doctoral program at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) on Hydrological Modeling and Integrated River Basin Planning and Management-2017, 2018, 2019, 2020,2021
- Delivered a 3 hr. lecture at the Pan- African University Summer School Program (PAUWES) “Coping with the Impact of Climate Change in Managing Water Systems organized by Center for Development Research (ZEF) and United Nations University (UNU)-2017
- Delivered a 3 hr. lecture in a course prepared for practitioners on Landscape based approaches organized by ZEF, Wageningen and IWMI -2017
- Delivered a 3 hr. lecture on Water and SDGS at the “One Health” Master’s program under the University of Bonn – 2018, 2019 and 2020
- Designed and carried out a 9- and 15-hour module on “: Integrated Water Resources Management” in the Master of Agricultural Science and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ARTS) program at Uni. Bonn-2019, 2020,2021
International Water Management Institute (IWMI):
- Organized and carried out 3 full-day training programs funded by ACIAR on the application of water systems modelling using the Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP) for state level government officials working in the water sector in the Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra in India 2009
- Organized and carried out a series of training programs funded by WWF-India on environmental flows using the Building Block Methodology (BBM) for state and national level government officials working in the water sector in India and university professors from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi and IIT Kanpur-2009-2011
- Organized and carried out a full-day training program funded by DFAT on the application of hydrological and water systems models using the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and WEAP for government officials, NGO and INGO staff and university professors in Nepal-2014
- Organized and carried out a two-day training programs funded by the World Bank and USAID on Integrated River Basin Planning and Management for government officials and university professors in Nepal-2015, 2018
- Contributed to curriculum development to incorporate environmental flows in a master’s level course on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) for Nepal Engineering College (NEC)-2015
Teaching/Research Assistant, Iowa State University, USA
1998-2002 Provided mentorship and supervision to interns. and Masters students at UFZ-Center for Environmental Research, Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Magdeburg, Germany
2002-2006 Provided mentorship and supervision to Masters and Doctoral students from The Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research -Atmospheric Environmental Research (IMK-IFU) and The Center for Development Research (ZEF)
Coordinator of the SASSCAL doctoral program on IWRM – Since 1.11.2021
Koblenz Germany
International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
- Principal Researcher and Country Representative for IWMI in Germany (August 2016-October, 2021) Bonn, Germany
- Nepal Program/Office Head (2011-2016)
Kathmandu, Nepal - Research Scientist and Principal Investigator/ Project Leader (2006 to 2021)
Colombo, Sri Lanka, Kathmandu, Nepal, Bonn, Germany
SENIOR RESEARCHER – 10/2003 to 01/2006
Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn
Bonn, Germany
Scientific Staff in the Department of Ecology and Resource Management and Team leader of the „Runoff and Hydraulic Routing“ subproject in the Glowa-Volta Project in the Volta Basin, Africa (
JUNIOR RESEARCHER – 09/2002 to 10/2003
Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn
Bonn, Germany
SCIENTIFIC STAFF– 07/1998 to 03/2002
UFZ-Center for Environmental Research, Leipzig-Halle GmbH
RESEARCH ASSISTANT – 01/1997 – 07/1998
Miltenyi Biotec GmbH,
Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
INTERNSHIP – 01/1994-05/1994
Pakhribas Agricultural Research Center
Pakhribas, Nepal
INTERNSHIP – 06/1993-09/1993
Iowa State University
Iowa, USA
Habilitation for the topic: Hydrology and Water Management
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn 2020
Habilitation Thesis: The Spaces of Water Management: Within and Beyond River Basin Boundaries
Doctorate (Promotion), Faculty of Natural Sciences
Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany -2004
Doctoral Thesis: The Impact of Runoff Generation Processes on Sediment and Phosphorus Transport: Field Studies and Model Application in the Schäfertal Catchment (Harz Mountains, Germany)
Master of Science (MS.) in Water Resources
Iowa State University, USA – 1997
Master’s Thesis: Riparian Zone Soil-Water Infiltration under Agricultural Crops, Pasture and Established Buffer Strips (Iowa, USA)
Bachelor of Arts (BA.), Major: Environmental Sciences-Biology, Minor: Economics
Luther College, Iowa, USA – 1993
List of publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Avilés Irahola, D., Mora-Motta, A., Barbosa Pereira, A. et al. Integrating scientific and local knowledge to address environmental conflicts: the role of academia. Hum Ecol (2022).
- Chapagain, D., Bharati, L. & Borgemeister, C. Declining vulnerability but rising impacts: the trends of climatic disasters in Nepal. Reg Environ Change 22, 55 (2022).
- Gurung, P., Dhungana, S., Kyaw Kyaw A., Bharati, L., Hydrologic characterization of the Upper Ayeyarwaddy River Basin and the impact of climate change. Journal of Water and Climate Change (2022) 13 (7): 2577–2596.
- Chapagain, D., Dhaubanjar, S. and L. Bharati.(2021). Unpacking Future Climate Extremes and their Sectoral Implications in Western Nepal. Climatic Change. Online.
- Pakhtigian, E. L.; Jeuland, M.; Bharati, L; Pandey, V.P. (2021). The role of hydropower in visions of water resources development for rivers of western Nepal. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 37 (3), 531-558
- Sharma, A., E. Karki, N. Eriyagama, G. Shrestha, M. Jeuland, and L. Bharati. (2020). Whose river is it? An assessment of livelihood and cultural water flow requirements for the Karnali basin. Ecology and Society 25(3):22.
- AP Hurford, JJ Harou, L Bonzanigo, PA Ray, P Karki, L Bharati, P Chinnasamy (2020). Efficient and robust hydropower system design under uncertainty – A demonstration in Nepal. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 132, 109910
- Tachamo Shah R.D., Sharma S., Bharati L. (2020). Water diversion induced changes in aquatic biodiversity in monsoon-dominated rivers of Western Himalaya, Nepal: Implications for Environmental flows. Ecological Indicators, Volume 108: 105735.
- Dhaubanjar S., Pandey V.P., Bharati L. (2020). Climate Futures for Western Nepal based on Regional Climate Models in the CORDEX-SA. International Journal of Climatology. 40 (12), 5428-5428
- Pandey, V.P.,Sharma, A., Dhaubanjar, S., Bharati, L. Thapa, B.R.,(2020). Spatio-temporal distribution of water availability in Karnali-Mohana Basin, Western Nepal: Climate change impact assessment (Part-A). Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies Volume 29, June 2020, 100690
- Pandey, V.P.,Sharma, A., Dhaubanjar, S., Bharati, L. Thapa, B.R.,(2020). Spatio-temporal distribution of water availability in Karnali-Mohana Basin, Western Nepal: Climate change impact assessment (Part-B). Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, Volume 29, June 2020, 10069
- Pandey, V.P.,Sharma, A., Dhaubanjar, S., Bharati, L. and Joshi I.R. (2019) Climate Shocks and Responses in Karnali-Mahakali Basins, Western Nepal. Climate (7), 92;
- Matheswaran, K., Khadka, A., Dhaubanjar, S., L.Bharati., S. Kumar., S.Shrestha.(2019) Delineation of spring recharge zones using environmental isotopes to support climate-resilient interventions in two mountainous catchments in Far-Western Nepal Hydrogeology Journal. Online.
- Suhardiman D., Bastakoti R. C., Karki E. & Bharati L. (2018). The politics of river basin planning and state transformation processes in Nepal. Geoforum. 96, 70-76
- Pandey V. P., Dhaubanjar S., Bharati L. & Thapa B. R. (2019). Hydrological response of Chamelia watershed in Mahakali Basin to Climate Change. Science of the Total Environment. 650 (1), 365-383
- Vlek P.L.G., Khamzina A., Azadi H., Bhaduri A., Bharati L., Braimoh A., Martius C., Sunderland T.C.H., & Taheri F. (2017). Trade-offs in multi-purpose land use under land degradation. Sustainability. 9 (12), 2196
- Bastakoti R., Bharati L., Bhattarai U. & Wahid M. (2017). Agriculture under changing climate conditions and adaptation options in the Koshi Basin. Climate and Development. 9 (7), 634-648
- Clement F., Suhardiman D., & Bharati L. (2017). IWRM Discourses: Institutional Holy Grail and Water Justice in Nepal. Water Alternatives. 10 (3), 870-887
- Bharati L., Gurung P., Maharjan L. & Bhattarai U. (2016). Past and future variability in the hydrological regime of the Koshi Basin, Nepal. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 61(1), 79-93
- Price I. J., Janmaat J., Sugden F. & Bharati L. (2015). Water storage systems and preference heterogeneity in water-scarce environments: A choice experiment in Nepal’s Koshi River Basin. Water Resources and Economics. 13, 6-18
- Chinnasamy P., Bharati L., Bhattarai U., Kadhka A., Dahal V. & Wahid S. (2015). Impact of planned water resource development on current and future water demand in the Koshi River basin, Nepal. Water International. 40 (7), 1004-1020
- Rawal D. S. & Bharati L. (2015). Identification of crop species vulnerable to projected climate change in three agro-ecological zones of the Koshi river basin, Nepal. Journal of Hill Agriculture. 6 (2), 234-244
- Gurung P., Bharati L. & Karki S. (2015). Impact of climate change and watershed interventions on water balance and crop yield in West Seti river sub-basin of Nepal. Journal of Hill Agriculture. 6 (2), 219-22
- Suhardiman D., Clement F. & Bharati, L. (2015). Integrated water resources management in Nepal: key stakeholders’ perceptions and lessons learned. International Journal of Water Resources Development, Special Issue: Himalayan Waters at the Crossroads. 31(2), 284-300
- Clement F., Basnet G., Sugden F. & Bharati L. (2014). Social and environmental justice in foreign aid: A case study of irrigation interventions in Western Nepal. New Angle: Nepal Journal of Social Science and Public Policy. 3(1), 65-83
- Bharati L., Gurung P., Smakhtin V. & Jayakody P. (2014). The Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources Development in the Koshi Basin, Nepal. Mountain Research and Development. 34 (2), 118-130
- Lokgariwar C., Chopra R., Smakhtin V., Bharati L. & O’Keeffe J. (2014). Including cultural Water Requirements in Environmental Flow Assessment: An example from the Upper Ganga River, India. Water International. 39 (1), 81-96
- Sapkota P., Bharati L., Gurung P., Kaushal N. & Smakhtin V. (2013). Environmentally sustainable management of water demands under changing climate conditions in the Upper Ganges Basin, India. Hydrological Processes. Special Issue: The Hydrology of Large Rivers. 27(15), 2197–2208
- Massuel S., George B. A., Venot J. P., Bharati L. & Acharya S. (2013). Improving assessment of groundwater-resource sustainability with deterministic modelling: a case study of the semi-arid Musi sub-basin, South India. Hydrogeology. 21 (7), 1567-1580.
- Amarasinghe U., Smakhtin V., Bharati L. & Malik, R. P. S. (2012). Reallocating water from canal irrigation for environmental flows: benefits forgone in the Upper Ganga Basin in India. Environment, Development and Sustainability.15(2), 385-405
- Garg K. K., Bharati L., Gaur A., George B., Acharya S., Jella K. & Narasimhan, B. (2012). Spatial mapping of agricultural water productivity using SWAT model in upper Bhima catchment, India. Irrigation and Drainage. 61(1), 60-79
- Munir S.,Schultz B., Suriyadi F.X. & Bharati L. (2012). Evaluation of Hydraulic Performance of Downstream-Controled Maira-PHLC Irrigation Canals under Crop-Based Irrigation Operations. Irrigation and Drainage. 61, 20–30
- Hosterman H. R., McCornick P. G., Kistin E. J., Sharma B. & Bharati, L. (2012). Freshwater, climate change and adaptation in the Ganges River Basin. Water Policy. 14(1),67-79
- Bharati L., Gurung P. & Jayakody P. (2012). Hydrologic characterization of the Koshi Basin and the impact of climate change. Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment. 11 (1), 18-22
- Clement F., Banset G. & Bharati, L. (2012). Rethinking development models and irrigation projects in Nepal. Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment. 11 (1), 112-120
- Gurung P. & Bharati L. (2012). Downstream impacts of the Melamchi Inter-Basin Water Transfer Plan (MIWTP) under current and future climate change projections. Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment. 11 (1), 23-29
- Bharati L. & Jayakody P. (2011). Hydrologic impacts of inflow and land-use changes in the Gorai River Catchment, Bangladesh. Water International. 36 (3), 340-356
- George B., Malano H., Davidson B., Hellegers P., Bharati L. & Massuel S. (2011). An integrated hydro-economic modelling framework to evaluate water allocation strategies 1: model development. Agricultural Water Management, 98 (5), 733-746
- George B., Malano H., Davidson B., Hellegers P., Bharati L. & Massuel S. (2011). An integrated hydro-economic modelling framework to evaluate water allocation strategies II: scenario assessment. Agricultural Water Management. 98 (5), 747-758
- Bharati L., Smakhtin V., Jayakody P., Kaushal N. & Gurung P. (2011). Use of a distributed catchment model to assess hydrologic modifications in the Upper Ganges Basin. In River Basin Management VI. Ed. C.A. Brebbia, WIT Press. 168-177
- Venot J. P., Bharati L., Giordano M. & Molle, F. (2011). Beyond water, beyond boundaries: spaces of water management in the Krishna River basin, South India. The Geographical Journal. 177 (2), 160-170
- Bharati L. & Gamage N. (2010). Application of the Pitman Model to generate discharges for the Lhasa Basin, China. Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment. 7, 30-34
- Biggs T. W., Gangadhara R. P. & Bharati, L. (2010). Mapping agricultural responses to water supply shocks in large irrigation systems, southern India. Agricultural Water Management, 97 (6), 924-932
- Sharma B., Amarasinghe, U., Cai X., de Condappa D., Shah T., Mukherji A., Bharati L., Ambili G., Qureshi A. S., Pant D., Xenarios S., Singh R. & Smakhtin V. (2010). The Indus and the Ganges: river basins under extreme pressure. Water International. 35 (5), 493-521
- Venot J. P., Jella K., Bharati L., George, B., Biggs T., Gangadhara R. P., Gumma M. K. & Acharya S. (2010). Farmers‘ adaptation and regional land use changes in irrigation systems under fluctuating water supply, South India. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 136 (9), 595-609
- Bharati L., Anand B. K. & Smakhtin V. (2009). Analysis of the Inter-Basin Water Transfer scheme in India: A case study of the Godawari-Krishna Link. Water Policy. 11 (1), 140-153
- Bharati L., Eriyagama N. & Smakhtin V. (2008). Environmental flows: Moving from Concepts to Application, a case study from India. Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering. 76 (5)
- Bharati L., Rodgers C., Shumilov S., Plotnikova M., Vlek P & Martin N. (2008). Integration of Economic and Hydrologic Models – An Application to Evaluate Conjunctive Irrigation Water Use Strategies in the Volta Basin. Agricultural Water Management, 95, 925-936
- Bharati L., Lee K. H., Isenhart T. M. & Schultz R.C. (2002). Soil-water infiltration under crops, pastures, and established riparian buffers in Midwestern USA. Agroforestry Systems. 56, 249-257
Other Peer Reviewed Research Publications/Book Chapters and Non-peer Reviewed Technical Reports and Articles
- Bharati, L, Aung, K.K. Viossanges, M. (2021). Mapping Myanmar’s water resources is key to developing sustainable aquaculture and improving nutrition. PreventionWeb. 15.04.2021.
- Bharati, L and S. Uhlenbrook. (2020). Moving from water problems to water solutions in a climate-challenged world. Rural 21. 13.03.2020
- Lautze, J., Uhlenbrook, S. and Bharati L. (2020). Is it crunch time for the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus? 3 recommendations to move the needle. Springer Nature. Sustainability Community. Dec 03, 2020.
- Bharati, L. and D. Freund. (2020). A risky water future for western Nepal. The Third Pole Net. March 22, 2020.
- Smith DM, Matthews JH, Bharati L., Borgomeo E, McCarthey M, Mauroner A, Nicol A, Rodriguez D, Sadoff C, Suhardiman D, Timboe I, Amarnath G, Anisha N. (2019). Adaptation’s thirst: Accelerating the convergence of water and climate action. Background paper prepared for the 2019 report of the Global Commission on Adaptation.
- Scott C.A., Zhang F., Mukherji A., Immerzeel W., Mustafa D., & Bharati L. (2019). Water in the Hindu Kush Himalaya. In: Wester P., Mishra A., Mukherji A., Shrestha A. (eds) The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment. Springer, Champp. 257-299
- Bharati L., Bhattarai U., Khadka A., Gurung P., Neumann L. E., Penton D. J., Dhaubanjar S. & Nepal S. (2019). From the mountains to the plains: impact of climate change on water resources in the Koshi River Basin. IWMI Working Paper. 187, 49
- Dhaubanjar S, Pandey V. & Bharati L. (2018). “Over and under the pond”. Kathmandu Post. 23 Mar. 2018. Print.
- McCartney M., Dickens C., Bharati L. & Nicol A. (2018) Water Crises are hitting our economies: Time to hit back with natural infrastructure. Thomas Reuters Foundation News. Wednesday, 21 February, 2018, 15:01 GMT
- Bharati L., Sharma B. & Smakhtin V. (Eds.). (2016). The Ganges River Basin: Status and Challenges in Water, Environment and Livelihoods. (Earthscan Series on Major River Basins of the World) Oxon, UK: Routledge – Earthscan
- Smakhtin V. & Bharati, L. (2016). Environmental flows: keeping the basin rivers alive. The Ganges River Basin: status and challenges in water, environment and livelihoods. Oxon, UK: Routledge – Earthscan.175-187
- Jain S.K., Jeuland M.A., Bharati L. & Khan Z.H. (2016). Surface water resources. The Ganges River Basin: Status and challenges in water, environment and livelihoods. Oxon, UK: Routledge – Earthscan. 8-23
- Janmaat J., Lapp S., Wannop T., Bharati L. & Sugden F. (2015). Demonstrating complexity with a roleplaying simulation: investing in water in the Indrawati Subbasin, Nepal. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) (IWMI Research Report 163). 38
- Sugden F., de Silva S., Clement F., Maskey N., Philip A., Ramesh V. & Bharati L. (2014). A framework to understand gender and structural vulnerability to climate change in the Indo Gangetic Basin: Lessons from Bangladesh, India and Nepal. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) (IWMI Working Paper 159). 50
- Sugden F., Shrestha L., Bharati L., Gurung P., Maharjan L., Janmaat J., Price J. I., Sherpa T. Y. C., Bhattarai U., Koirala S. & Timilsina B. (2014). Climate change, out-migration and agrarian stress: the potential for upscaling small-scale water storage in Nepal. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI)(IWMI Research Report 159). 38
- McCornick P., Smakhtin V., Bharati L., Johnston R., McCartney M., Sugden F., Clement F. & McIntyre B. (2014). Afrontar el cambio: Cuidar del agua, de la agricultura y de la seguridad alimentaria en una era de incertidumbre climatica. In Spanish. Tackling change: future-proofing water, agriculture, and food security in an era of climate uncertainty. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 36
- McCornick P., Smakhtin V., Bharati L., Johnston R., McCartney M., Sugden F., Clement F., & McIntyre B. (2013). Tackling change: Future-proofing water, agriculture, and food security in an era of climate uncertainty. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 36
- Bharati L., Sugden F., Clement F. & Bastakoti R. (2013). Water resources in Nepal and IWMI-Nepal strategy. In Sharma, Bharat R.; Prathapar, Sanmugam A. Moving from water problems to water solutions: research needs assessment for the eastern Gangetic Plains. Proceedings of the International Workshop held at the National Agricultural Science Complex (NASC), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi, India, 7-8 May 2013. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 51-55
- Sharma B., Amarasinghe U., Cai X., de Condappa D., Shah T., Mukherji A., Bharati L., Ambili G. K., Qureshi A. S., Pant D., Xenarios S., Singh R. & Smakhtin V. (2012). The Indus and the Ganges: river basins under extreme pressure. In Fisher, M.; Cook, Simon (Eds.). Water, food and poverty in river basins: defining the limits. London, UK: Routledge. 30-58
- O’Keeffe J., Kaushal N., Smakhtin V. & Bharati L. (2012). Assessment of environmental flows for the Upper Ganga Basin. Summary project report of the environmental flows assessment done under the Living Ganga Program. New Delhi, India: World Wide Fund for Nature – India (WWF-India). 24
- O’Keeffe J., Kaushal N., Bharati L. & Smakhtin V. (2012). Assessment of environmental flows for the Upper Ganga Basin. Project report of the environmental flows assessment done under the Living Ganga Program. New Delhi, India: World Wide Fund for Nature – India (WWF-India). 161
- Bharati L., Lacombe G., Gurung P., Jayakody P., Hoanh C. T., & Smakhtin V. (2011). The impacts of water infrastructure and climate change on the hydrology of the Upper Ganges River Basin. IWMI Research Report. 142, 36
- Bharati L., Anand B.K., Garg S. & Acharya S. (2009). Assessing water allocation strategies in the Krishna River basin, South India. Improving Integrated Surface and Groundwater Resources Management in a Vulnerable and Changing World IAHS Publ. 330
- Hosterman H.R., McCornick P.G., Kistin E.J., Pant A., Sharma B.R. & Bharati L. (2009). Water and climate change adaptation: Focus on the Ganges-Brahmaputra river system. Duke University. IWMI Working Paper (09-03). 34
- Bartlett R., Bharati L., Pant D., Hosterman H. & McCormic P. (2010). Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Agriculture in Nepal. IWMI Working Paper. 139
- Bartlett R., Bharati L., Pant D., Hosterman H. & McCormic P. (2010). Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Agriculture in Nepal. IWMI Working Paper. 139
- Bharati L., Anand B. K. & Smakhtin V. (2008). Analysis of the Inter-basin Water Transfer Scheme in India: a case study of the Godavari-Krishna link. In Amarasinghe, Upali A.; Sharma, Bharat R. (Eds.) Strategic analysis of the National River Linking Project (NRLP) of India, series 2. Proceedings of the Workshop on Analyses of Hydrological, Social and Ecological Issues of the NRLP, New Delhi, India. 9-10 October 2007, 63-78
- Smakhtin V., Gamage N. & Bharati L. (2007). Hydrological and Environmental Issues of Inter-Basin Water Transfers in India: A Case of Krishna River Basin. IWMI Research Report 120, International Water Management Institute
- Bharati L., Rodgers C., Shumilov S., Plotnikova M. & Vlek P. (2007). Integrated modeling of conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources in a small-scale irrigation system in the Volta Basin, Africa. In: Reducing the Vulnerability of Societies Against Water Related Risks at the Basin Scale. Ed. by A. Schumann, M. Pahlow, J.J. Bogardi & P. van der Zaag. IAHS Publication 317, ISSN 01447815
Selected Papers and Abstracts Presented at International Conferences and Seminars
- Organized and moderated the World Water Day event organized by the Bonn Water Network. March 23, 2021.Online Webinar.
- Bharati L. 2020. Speaker. Cooperation in Research and Education: Climate-Water-Environmental Risk. Online Webinar. TU-Dresden.
- Organized and moderated the Launch of the Bonn Water Network. November 17, 2020.
- Organized and moderated the World Water Day event organized by the Bonn Water Network. March 23, 2021.Online Webinar.
- Bharati L. 2020. Speaker. Cooperation in Research and Education: Climate-Water-Environmental Risk. Online Webinar. TU-Dresden.
- Organized and moderated the Launch of the Bonn Water Network. November 17, 2020.
- Organized and moderated an online seminar on “Building better systems for resilient and sustainable futures”. 23. June 2020. Online Seminar on „Building better systems for resilient and sustainable futures“ – Bonn Alliance ICB (
- Bharati L. 2019. Key Note Speaker in a workshop titled: Experiences on integration of local knowledge in monitoring environmental conflicts caused by unsustainable agriculture. September 17th – 20th, Tropentag, 2019. University of Kassel, Germany.
- Bharati L. (2019). Participated as a speaker and panelist in several side events at Bonn Climate Change Conference organized by UNFCCC. June, 17 -27.
- Bharati L. (2018). Future Water Risks and Climate Change in the Himalayas. Stockholm Water Week. August 29
- Bharati L. (2018). Digo Jal Bikas (Sustainable Management of Integrated Water Systems. 8th Asian Regional Conference of ICID. Kathmandu, Nepal, May 2-4
- Bharati L. & Mukherjee A. (2018). Plenary Symposium: Sustainable Irrigation. 8th Asian Regional Conference of ICID. Kathmandu, Nepal, May 2-4
- Bharati L., Dhaubanjar S., Matheswaran K. & Khadka A. (2018). Tracing Recharge Zones for Spring Sources in the Mid-Hills of Western Nepal using Stable Isotopes. and S. Dhaubanjar, V. Pandey and L. Bharati (2018). Climate Futures for Western Nepal. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna Austria, 8-13 April
- Bharati L. (2018). Participated as a speaker and panelist in several sessions at the 8th World Water Forum organized by the World Water Council (WWC). Brasilia, Brazil, 18 to 23 March
- Bharati L. (2017). Working in watersheds: Landscape restoration for healthy water ecosystems. Global Landscape Forum. Bonn, Germany, 19-20 December
- Bharati L. (2017). Ecosystem Based Adaptation in Mountain Eco regions. Presented in a session titled: “It‘s getting hot in here: Biodiversity and ecosystems in climate change,”. Side event during COP 23. Bonn Germany, November 9
- Bharati L. (2017). Status and Challenges of the Ganges Basin. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on the Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers. New Delhi, India, 18-21 April
- Bharati L. (2017). Water Resource Management in the Ganges Basin-a sectorial and regional perspective. Invited speaker at Water for Food Global Conference. Lincoln, Nebraska, April 10-12
- Bharati L., Gurung P., Smakhtin V. & Jayakody P. (2014). Will climate change impact water resources development in Nepal? International Conference on the Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers. Manaus, Brazil, 21-25 July
- Bharati L. (2013). Building climate resilience into mountain watersheds in Nepal. Paper presented at a session on Re-thinking investment in sustainable landscapes and livelihoods at the Global Landscape Forum. Warsaw, Poland, 16 November
- Bharati L. & Gurung P. (2013). Current and Future Variability in the Hydrological Regime of the Koshi Basin, Nepal. Paper presented at the GWSP Conference: Water in the Anthropocene: Challenges for Science and Governance. Indicators, Thresholds and Uncertainties of the Global Water System. Bonn, Germany, 21-24 May
- Bharati L. (2012). Moving towards environmentally sustainable water allocation in South Asia. Paper presented at the Seminar on Eye on Asia: Food and Water Security – Part II at the Stockholm World Water Week, Stockholm, Sweden, 26-31 August, 4
- Bharati L., Smakhtin V., Jayakody P. & Kaushal N. (2011). Use of Hydrological Modeling in Environmental-Flows Assessment in the Ganges. International Conference on the Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers. Austria Center, Vienna, 11-14 April
- Gurung P. & Bharati L. (2011). Downstream Hydrological Impacts of the Melamchi Inter-basin Water Transfer Plan. Proceedings of National Irrigation Seminar Micro to Mega: Irrigation for Prosperous Nepal. Department of Irrigation, Kathmandu, Nepal,13-14 July, 161-168
- Bharati, L. (2010). Hydrological assessment of the Koshi Basin. Koshi Basin Transboundary Programme. Inception workshop. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal, 22-23 April
- Bharati L. & Gurung P. (2010). The impact of climate change on the hydrology of the Koshi Basin. National Conference on Water, Food Security and Climate Change (CC) in Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal, 23-24 November
- Bharati, L. (2010) Hydrology of the Upper Ganga Basin. WWF-Ganges E-Flows Setting Workshop. Rishikesh, India
- Bharati L., Smakhtin V. & Jayakody P. (2009). Environmentally sustainable water resources management in the upper Ganga Basin under changing climate conditions. International Conference on Environmental Flow requirements of Himalayan Rivers. Lucknow, U.P., India, 21–22, July 2009
- Bharati L., Smakhtin V. & Jayakody P. (2009). Environmental flows and climate change impacts in the upper Ganges river basin, India. Presentation at Shangri-La Workshop 2009. Sustainable Land Management in the Highlands of Asia. Northwest Yunnan, China, May 2009
- Bharati L., Smakhtin V., Eriyagama N. & Anand B.K. (2009). Environment flows: moving from concepts to application, a case study from India. Proceedings in The International Environmental Water Allocation conference. Port Elizabeth, South Africa 23rd to Thursday – 26th February 2009
- Smakhtin, V., Gamage, N. & Bharati, L. (2008). Hydrological and environmental issues of inter-basin water transfers in India: a case study of the Krishna River Basin. In Amarasinghe, Upali A.; Sharma, Bharat R. (Eds.) Strategic analysis of the National River Linking Project (NRLP) of India, series 2. Proceedings of the Workshop on Analyses of Hydrological, Social and Ecological Issues of the NRLP. New Delhi, India, 9-10 October 2007, 79-106
- Bharati, L. (2011). Environmental Flows: Moving from Theory to Application. Key Note Speech. INWEPF Workshop. Ecosystem Services of Paddy-Irrigated Basin. Beppu, Japan, 30.11.07 – 04.12.07
- Bharati L., Rodgers C., Shumilov S., Plotnikova M., & Vlek P. Integrated modelling of conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources in a small-scale irrigation system in the Volta Basin, Africa. 3rd International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management, Bochum, Germany, 26.09-28.09, 2006
- Plotnikova M., Rodgers C., Bharati L., Shumilov S. & Erdenburg T. (2006). Application of the Integrated Hydrologic-Economic Decision Support System to evaluate conjunctive water use strategies: economic analysis, Western Regional Science Association. Santa Fe, February 2006
- Shumilov S., Erdenberger T., Bharati L., Plotnikova M. & Rodgers C. (2006) First Steps towards an Integrated Decision Support System. 20th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection. EnviroInfo 2006, Graz, Austria, 2006
- Plotnikova M., Rodgers C. & Bharati L. (2005) Application of the Integrated Hydrologic-Economic Decision Support System: the case of Bui Dam, Volta Basin, World Water Week. Stockholm, Sweden, August 21-27, 2005
- Bharati L., Andreini M., Martin N., Rodgers C., Van de Giesen N., Plotnikova M. & Vlek P. (2005). Assessing physical efficiency of small reservoir irrigation systems through integrative watershed modelling. World Water Week. Stockholm, Sweden, 21-27 August, 2005
- Youkhana E., Arendt B., Bharati L., Rogers C. & Vlek P. (2005). Das GLOWA Volta Projekt Entwicklung eines Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem für nachhaltiges Wassermanagement (Development of a decision support system for sustainable water resource management in the Volta Basin). Conference on decision support systems in water management. RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 22-23. March, 2005
- Bharati L., Rodgers C., Martin N., Plotnikova M., Intsiful J. & Vlek P. (2005). Assessing the efficiency of small reservoir irrigation systems through integrative watershed modelling. WaSim Workshop. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland, 17-19 March, 2005
- Peters K.J., Kirschke D. K., Manig W., Bürkert A., Schultze-Kraft R., Bharati L., Bonte-Friedheim C., Deninger A., Bhandari N. & Weitkamph H. (2004). Rural Poverty Reduction through Research for Development and Transformation. Book of Abstracts. Deutscher Tropentag 2004, International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management, and Rural Development. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 5-7 October, 2004
- Bharati L., Rode M. & Meissner R. (2001). Calibration and validation of continuous and event-based runoff simulations using the WaSim-ETH model. Conference on hydrological modeling. University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. 31.October – 02. November, 2001
- Bharati L., Rode M. & Meissner R. (2000). Sediment and Phosphorus Delivery from an Agricultural Watershed in the Eastern Harz Hills of Germany. International Conference on Agricultural Effects on Ground and Surface Waters. Wageningen, The Netherlands,1-5 Oct, 2000
- Bharati L., Rode M. & Meissner R. (2000). Phosphorus Losses from an Agricultural Watershed in the Eastern Harz Hills of Germany. Conference on Soil Protection and Reduction of Phosphorus Loss to Surface Waters. University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany, 11-12 April, 2000
- Bharati L. & Rode M. (2000). Erosion in the Schäfertal Watershed. Conference on the on and off-site impacts of wind and water erosion. University of Essen, Essen, Germany, 6-7 April, 2000