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Dr. Tunde Olarinoye

ICWRGC team member Dr. Tunde Olarinoyeh

Dr. Tunde Olarinoye

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
beim Internationalen Zentrum für Wasserressourcen und Globalen Wandel (UNESCO)

Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
Postfach 200253
56002 Koblenz, Deutschland

Telefon: +49 (0) 261 1306 5099


  • Großdatenanalyse und -management
  • Hydrologische Modellierung
  • Folgenabschätzung von Grundwasserveränderungen und globalem Wandel
  • Maschinelles Lernen – Anwendungen in der Hydrologie


  • Datenerfassung und Entwicklung von Bodenfeuchte-Datenprodukten
  • Public Relations und Frontend-Entwicklung für das International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN)

Andere Funktionen

2022 – Miteinberufung einer Sitzung bei der EGU Wien mit dem Titel “Large-sample hydrology: characterising and understanding hydrological diversity and catchment organisation”.

2019 – Mitglied des Organisationsteams beim 46. Kongress der International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) in Malaga, Spanien


2018 – 2021: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Lehrstuhl für Hydrologische Modellierung und Wasserressourcen, Universität Freiburg

2017 – 2018: Graduierter Forscher, T-Group, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, Niederlande

2016: Forschungspraktikant, Deltares, Utrecht, Niederlande

Akademischer Lebenslauf

Seit 2018: Promotion in Hydrologie an der Universität Freiburg

Titel: Unravelling the hydrodynamic behaviour of karst aquifer systems through comparative hydrology.

2015 – 2017: Master of Science in Water Science and Engineering, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, Niederlande – Gemeinsames Masterprogramm von Erasmus Mundus

Abschlussarbeit: Assessing impacts of urbanisation and climate change on present and future water availability in Arusha, Tanzania.

2015 – 2017: Master of Science in Umwelttechnik, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lissabon, Portugal – Gemeinsames Masterprogramm von Erasmus Mundus

2015 – 2017: Master of Science, Hydro-Science and Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden, Gemeinsames Masterprogramm von Erasmus Mundus

2006 – 2011: Bachelor of Science, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria

Lehre und Betreuung

2018 – 2021: Mitbeaufsichtigung und Betreuung von Bachelor und Master-Studenten am Lehrstuhl für Hydrologische Modellierung und Wasserressourcen, Universität Freiburg.

2021: Gastvortrag: Groundwater adaptation to global change impacts, UN-IHE Institute for Water Education, Niederlande


Olarinoye, T., Gleeson, T., and Hartmann, A. (in review). Karst spring recession curve analysis: efficient, accurate methods for both fast and slow flow components. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. [preprint],

Olarinoye T., Gleeson T., Marx V., et al. (2020). Global karst springs hydrograph dataset for research and management of the world’s fastest-flowing groundwater. Nature Scientific Data, 7:59,

Hartmann A., Liu Y., Olarinoye T., Berthelin R. and Marx V. (2020). Integrating fieldwork and large-scale modeling to improve assessment of karst water resources. Journal of Hydrogeology,

Olarinoye T., Foppen J.W., Veerbeek W., Morienyane T. and Komakech H. (2020). Exploring the future impacts of urbanization and climate change on groundwater in Arusha, Tanzania. Water International,


Olarinoye T., Boehmer F., Dietrich S., Zink M., Himmelbauer I. The International Soil Moisture Network: supporting and advancing EO research through open source in-situ soil moisture observations. EGU 2022.

Olarinoye T., Gleeson T. and Hartmann A. An automatic recession extraction and parameter estimation method for large-sample karst spring analysis. Interactive presentation AGU Fall meeting 2020 [talk].

Olarinoye T. and Hartmann A. A new approach for automatic extraction of karst conduit and matrix recession coefficients. A workshop on sustainability and community in support of UNESCO science programs; Proceedings for conservation of fragile karst resource. Kentucky, USA, 2020 [talk].

Olarinoye T., Gleeson T., Hartmann A. Applicability of automatic recession extraction methods to a large number of karst spring hydrographs. Conference presentation at the International Karstological School “Classical Karst”. Postojna Slovenia, 2019 [talk].

Olarinoye T., Gleeson T., Hartmann A. Comparative analysis of karst spring hydrograph using automatic recession methods. 46th IAH Congress, Malaga, Spain, 2019 [talk].

Olarinoye T., Gleeson T., Marx V., Hartmann A. The first global database of karst spring discharge observations. EG, Austria, 2019 [talk].

Olarinoye T., Marx V., Hartmann A. Unravelling the hydrodynamic behavior of karst systems through comparative hydrology. Eurokarst conference, Besancon, France, 2018 [talk].

Nogueira G., Olarinoye T., Stigter T., Marc W. Mapping and evolution of hydrochemical water types in Maputo Coastal aquifer. 44th Annual Congress for the International Association of Hydrogeologist, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2017 [poster].

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